Kamis, 22 September 2016

My Sweet Birthday (23 February 2016) - Latepost!

Well no more words to describe how I felt it! HAPPY HAPPY & HAPPY!!

me & birthday cake

thanks gangs!

thanks team!!

karaoke 'till drop!

thanks aps! Lafff yaaa

Second sweet surprises!!

me & my second cake :p

awww sweet!

hard to chop the cake because they're frozen

my favorite gift ever!!!

thaaaannnkkksss my girls!!!

Third birthday surprise!!! :D

thanks folks!!!


My Bro is Coming to Town!

May 2nd, 2016
My "Big" bro finally coming to J-Town aka Jakarta!
Yes He's coming alone, after long long long long looonnnggg story!! hihihi

Me & Octa make an appointment to meet April on her store so after that we gonna go to the airport to pick up Philippe. Me visited Sency Mall first and then meet April with her co-worker, Lucy. She comes from London, she's very kind, very nice and so cheerful! We talking a lot, I tell her that I really love London! She tells everything about London to me,and she says The Big Ben is not too big as I thought it. She likes Prince Harry, me likes Prince William. She wants me to call her if one day I have holiday to London! And we gave our phone number each other so we can keep in touch. After that we're going to get dinner together and send her to apartment.

Me & Lucy

Done with Lucy, we go to pick up Phil at the airport at 1 am on the 3rd of May. He looks so happy and running like crazy to hug my friend April hahaha,,, wait, I have the video!

AADC Scene!! :D

Philippe, April & Me (octa took the picture)

After we picked him up, we're going to apartment. While we’re looking for our room, my bro show his gift (necklace) for April that he tell me before on whatsapp. Ya, before that I bought a cake for April so we will celebrate her "late" birthday tonight. yeaaayyy

For the scene, you can watch in here :

After all we are going to sleep because tomorrow I will go for work, and yes tonight I stay with them in 1 bed hahaha.

Morning, I wake up first & going to office with April. Octa are staying with phil to take him sightseeing Jakarta.

And day 2 we are going for dinner together with our friends.

Dinner Time

Done for dinner. Phil, April, Me & Octa going back to apartment and doing this for him! :D

 pose 1

 pose 2

pose 3

Yes because April wants me to take his good picture, so then I took it. Is it good or not? Well it's fine for me hahaha :D

Well since I'm going to work I don't know what boys are doing, but you can watch this :

Me & Phil only meet at night, and Octa said phil got nervous when he got dinner schedule with April's parents. And when I came back from work, I just saw his clothes are everywhere! GOSH!!! hahahaha

his clothes on the bed & on the floor

his bag still opened on the floor

his luggage also still opened & mess up in front of the water dispenser & refrigerator xD

and even his shaver still ON position on the floor HAHAHAHA

And when he came back, he's still look nervous but also look happy after met April's parents. hahahaha

mission accomplished huuyyeeeaaahh

And another we do during stay at the apartment. Don't forget to call Mommy ^,^

call Mommy :p

I even don't understand :p

talking french with his mom

morning punch to my bro! :D

Me & My "Big" Bro!

See you on November bro!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!!! (latepost)

*sebenernya gw tulis ini beberapa jam sebelum jam 12 dimalam tahun baru 2016*

2015 cepatlah berlalu, pengen buru2 move on dari tahun ini. Why? Gatau kenapa, dari Bulan ke Bulan di thn ini at the end ceritanya sedih.. Hiks.. :'(

Jan-April : gak lepas Dr berita duka, January dikasih tau Kalau sahabat masuk rumah sakit (Arief “cong” & Dini).

February : 1 day after my birthday, 24 Feb my lovely friend Arief menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya.

funeral conky (arif)
Maret : lupa tgl brp, salah satu teman deket waktu kuliah (Dafi) menghembuskan nafasnya yg terakhir dikarenakan sakit radang lambung yg parah (CMIIW). Itu pun kabar yg gw dpt mendadak banget, gatau sejak kapan dia sakit.
April : my love, my sister, my enemy, my childhood, my best friend Dwi Maidinita. Pada akhirnya pun meninggalkan gw & cerita masa kecil kita, Setelah berjuang melawan rasa sakit atas penyakit SGB singkatan dari Sindrom Guillain–BarrΓ© (if you wanna know, please googling). Dia meninggal tepat sebulan sebelum ulang tahunnya.

*Cerita selengkapnya sudah gw post di postingan sebelumnya* 
Mei : yes I have big plan, tp ternyata Allah blm mengizinkan. Terpaksa cancelled. Akhirnya lari ke jogja, keputusan yg mendadak. Yes every trip has drama hahaha :D
Jogja Calling

Me at Merapi

Dibulan mei ini juga gw kedatangan temen dari Morocco, yep akhirnya dia liburan di indo.

Welcome to Indonesia Raja

 we're going to Bogor

walk in to Monas

Shopping at Mangga Dua - Jakarta

Juni-Juli : berakhir juga dengan cerita sedih, office mate mau cuti lahiran 3 Bulan *sigh* trus klo pada pergi, gw sama siapaaa? jadi sebulanan galau gitu 😩

Nana mau cuti lahiran
Agustus : denger kabar my lovely sister (office mate) mau resign. Cerita lainnya punya kenalan baru *akhirnya cerita* πŸ˜‹ happy sih, tp hubungan kita up and down! Keseringan dicuekin & gitu deh. Hahaha *males ceritainnya* πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
September : Diawal September akhirnya sissyyy resign tepat seminggu sesudah ultahnya Hiks.. 😒 Dan hubungan (sama si cowo) yg awalnya happy itu pun terjadi (tragis). Sedih, marah, kesel, sejadi-jadinya! Alhamdulillah Allah SWT menuntun gw jalan kembali selamat sampe dirumah, walau sambil jalan gw nangis sejadinya! Alhamdulillah lagi gw gak ilang uang sepeserpun dari modus2nya, heloooohh gw pinteran dikit kali! 😜 Tp sekarang ini (ini Desember) gw mo ketawa ngakak kalo inget hal itu!!! Hahahahahahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

birthday sissy

Farewell sisssyyy :(

Oktober-Desember : sebenernya 3 Bulan ini adalah proses pemulihan sakit hati. Gw move on banget Dalam waktu yg sesingkat-singkatnya! Alhamdulillah Allah SWT never leave me, always standing beside me in every conditions. And in the end of December, few days before Christmas day lagi-lagi berakhir dengan cerita tragis!!! Ya gitu deh, panjang deh klo diceritain. Klo diceritain pokoknya bikin pengen beli keds 4 pasang deh! Wkwkwk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Satu lagi, cerita sedih baru kejadian dihari ini. Dapet pengumuman harus ngulang ujian utk dpt SIM! Yes, I choose to get my driver license by myself. Gak pake calo, bukan karna gak mampu bayar calo. Tp gw cuma pengen tau every process nya lewat jalan resmi! Klo ari (office partner) bisa, gw juga pasti bisa!! Semangaaaaaaaatttttt byyyy!! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ 😎😎😎 Hahaha
Klo kata ci nina, gw ciong (bener gak tuh tulisannya) banget tahun ini!!! Auk ah gelap! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Cerita happy pasti ada & banyaaaakkk alhamdulillah, tp gak se-mainstream cerita sedihnya hahahha mashaallah πŸ˜‹ Kecewa, sedih? Pasti! Bersyukur? Lebih pasti!!! Klo kata pepatah “count your blessings not your problems”. Bersyukur disetiap kondisi, apapun itu. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah..
Semua cerita sedih diatas ada hikmahnya, cerita happy pun ada hikmahnya. Jadi punya ujian praktek Dr Allah th ini & alhamdulillah lulus sampe di Bulan Desember. Dan selalu inget “Allah SWT tidak Akan meninggalkanku Setelah Dia membawaku sejauh ini”
Harapan di tahun depan pastinya mau yg lebih baik. Dan semoga impian & cita2 gw bisa terwujud di tahun 2016 besok. Lancar tanpa hambatan apapun & semoga penuh berkah aamiin Allahummaa aamiin
There’s no words, only alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah for everything happened to me this year.. I love you Allah SWT..