After almost 5 years, well actually 5 years I’m working at Metrox, I decided to move from the coolest office ever! Thanks for all the lessons about Purchasing so I can be a good purchasing officer and also for the chance for me to being a Personal Assistant to CEO of Metrox, I really appreciated & proud of that.
This the saddest moment for me. to leave my team, not only a team, they’re also my friends, my enemy and my family! They are The Greatest Team that I ever had! So many things that we've done together, working, joking, playing, crying, even fighting, we did it! I LOVE them, I also HATE them!
I never thinking expected a gift from them, I only think what I will give it to them! And ya, I make a video to surprise them. I prepared the video one month before. I put a goodbye words on it. Also few songs to shows my feeling. Well I wish they will understand what I want tell to them.
I also put some messages for them, goodbye messages & apologize to remind them about our moments during 5 years. Well ya, it's sad, even I cried on that video hahaha...
Quotes 1 :
Kita adalah sebuah Team,
Adalah sebuah Keluarga, terlepas mereka menyukai kita atau tidak
Kita tidak bisa memilih siapa Keluarga kita,
Seperti juga kita tidak bisa memilih Team kita
Walaupun setiap drama yang terjadi, mereka akan selalu ada untukku
Dan aku akan ada untuk mereka
Kita bertanding bersama, bukan seorang diri
Setiap dari kita harus mencoba berlatih keras
Menang atau kalah sebagai Team
Berdiri atau jatuh kita tetaplah Team
We are on a team.
It's a family, regardless if we like all of them or none of them.
We can't choose our Family, just like we can't choose our team.
Even through all the drama, our team will always be there for us
and we should be there for them.
We compete as one, not as individuals.
Everyone should try harder every practice.
Win or lose as a team.
Rise or fall as a team.
Here's the video that I've made for my great team!
And I gave them a chill and the saddest feeling ever when I gave the video and we watch it together. Yes they are all sad & few of them are crying, including me! hahaha
Me & My Best Team (PGA Team)
they're all makes me crying to read their messages
and I cried
candid team
with abang & mpok
Asset Team Warehouse
IT Team Warehouse
with emak Nina tersayang :*
Finance Team
with The Craziest VM Team, I Love You All!
with The Craziest VM Team (part 2)
Purchasing Team (not complete)
I love you gangs
How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to! Saying goodbye can be tough when you don’t know if you are ever going to meet again. Only memories are left behind after a painful farewell from your beloved person.
Quotes 2 :
Like the wind blows and fresh air
I know things never stay the same
But this time it's just not fair
I feel like I just met you
And now I move away
And I sad knowing that this is my last day
I pray we'll keep in touch
I pray because the past
I would say those things and try it
But those things don't seems to last
Thanks for the friendship
Thank you for the laugh
Now I have learned to say Goodbye
I will leave that for this time
But we will meet again another time
- with luv, Feby -