Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Call Me Amateur..

Now I just want to share photos. The pictures below are captured and edited by me.... and all is mine ^_^

Picture captured by friend "emir", edited by me

 beautiful Karimun Jawa

 Karimun Jawa

Sunset at Karimun Jawa

at Singapore sky

Take some rest for a while

 Marina Hotel Singapore, no edit no crop!

 mirror, garden by the bay

 Japanese garden Singapore

 Hostel Room


 Banana Split


 panna cotta

 empty seat

 phone & rings

 my beani

 red bottle perfume

Hands & Rings


Think out of the box!!

Lost in blanket

rainy day


Eiffel is in my hand!

Wanna see more picture?? Check my instagram account @byanfeby & don't forget to follow me yup! hahahaha